I first met Cousin Tony 2 1/2 years ago in Tuscon, Arizona. Now, you are probably wondering,
hmmm...Tony is her Cousin, and she never met him prior to 2 1/2 years ago?! Well, you see, Tony is my Cousin-To-Be! My sweet, beautiful, cousin Jayme is now engaged to Tony! They are planning a March 28, 2009 wedding! Jayme was dating Tony when I was out in Phoenix/Tuscon in December of 2005. The 3 of us went out to this great Mexican Restaurant! Tony has matured a lot since then, and I've lightened up a lot since then. Anyways, Jayme and Tony came to IN for a visit and I got the chance to see them 9 days ago! Besides for Jayme's immediate family, I was the first family member that Tony had met. When Tony saw me, he was like "Cousin Jenny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"! It was like he had seen an old friend! :) He probably said my name 100 times last Sunday! That's why the Title of this Blog is "Cousin Tony". He is a funny guy! I laughed a lot! I'm so glad I got to visit with Jayme and Tony! I am so happy for Jayme! She deserves a great guy like Tony! So Cousin Tony, you'd better continue to treat my "little" cousin Jayme right, otherwise you'll have Cousin Jenny to answer too! (Just Kidding Cousin Tony!) I'm looking forward to seeing you both again at your wedding on March 28, 2009! I talked to work about it and they said that I can reserve the time off in late Oct/early Nov and I shouldn't have a problem getting it off! Welcome to our family Tony! :)
COUSIN JENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How sweet of you to speak of lil' ole' me..... I can't wait for you to come down & see us! And.... just for old times sake, heres another "COUSIN JENNNNNY!!!! for ya'
And he's wearing a Notre Dame t-shirt! He's a winner in my book!
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