A Work In Progress

A Work In Progress

Saturday, May 31, 2008

I have a Trampoline in my backyard!

Reasons Why I Love Having A Trampoline in My Backyard:

  • I laid on it this afternoon and it was SO relaxing! I felt like I was laying in a hammock or floating on my back in the water.

  • Jumping on it is a great workout! Who needs to join a gym when you have a Trampoline in your backyard?

  • It brought laughter to my day! My roommate Rachel (I have 3 roommates) and I were out there jumping on it together and I was laughing hysterically. Imagine that! :) Seriously, I felt like a kid again I was having so much fun!

  • It will be a great way to entertain my guests when they come to visit.


Very Sleepy Girl said...

what a fun post! next time i come over - it's trampoline time! i haven't been on one in about 11 years i think.

J-La-Sta said...

You are welcome anytime jj! As a matter of fact, when Rachel and I were jumping on it, she said we need to invite Jen over! I said that would be so much fun! :)

chocolate hug said...

Hey Jen, thought I'd stop by and visit your blog. So cool to have a tramp...who's is it?

I remember actually doing back flips off of trampolines when I was a kid...and it wasn't on purpose!


J-La-Sta said...

It's my roommate's! I rent a bedroom out of a house. A single woman owns it and 3 of us other single gals live here too.