A Work In Progress

A Work In Progress

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I Was An Inmate For Halloween!

I had so much fun at work today! Our team dressed up as Inmates and our Supervisor was the Worden! :) It was hilarious! We use our "N" numbers to sign onto the Computer systems, and we all had our "N" numbers on the back of our shirts to serve as our prison ID's! My nick-name was Smiley! Felipe's was "Beefcake"! He was like a kid in a candy store because he is from Manila and has never dressed up for Halloween before or seen people dressed up. He had his video camera and everything! When I got to work this morning some of my co-workers said I looked like a crackhead. To me, that means I looked like an inmate and therefore dressed the part well! It was fun making people laugh just by being dressed up! :) I hope our team wins the Halloween dress-up contest! We should find out on Monday.


Very Sleepy Girl said...

Jen, those pictures are AWESOME!!! You did a great job!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh that is SO funny!

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! esp. the tattoo.!

TMI Queen said...

THAT, my friend, was a kickass costume!!!!