A Work In Progress

A Work In Progress

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Is The Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

I love this picture! Isn't it cool? It's another one that I found on the internet. Our Tuesday morning Women's Group is Studying a book by Valerie Hess called "Spiritual Disciplines Devotional - A Year of Readings." I will paraphrase Valerie's definition of Spiritual Disciplines. Spiritual Disciplines are "habits" or "tools" which teach us to respond to God and to the people around us is ways that look more like the ways Jesus responded during his life on earth.

This morning we talked about the Discipline of Simplicity. The Discipline of Simplicity is "An overall attitude of contentment and gratitude manifested in a visible way of living that includes not trying to do too much or have too much."

I struggle a lot with comparing myself to others and not feeling like I measure up. I mean I'm 34 years old and I'm renting a bedroom of a house! Many people my age own homes and are far better off financially than I am. There's a measure of being hard on myself, but if I'm completely honest, there's also a measure of envy for what other's have that I don't have. Even though I'm making much better financial choices now, it's still very hard making it on one income and doing it all alone with no other person or income (or credit card) to rely on for financial help and security. It's hard for me to picture even being able to afford to live alone again, let alone to purchase a condo or a house someday. Plus, I sold most of my furniture when I moved from an Apartment to a bedroom. Ok, so that's my glass half empty version. I'm working really hard on being "REAL". So there you have it, this is me being REAL with what I struggle with sometimes.

"It takes purposeful training to keep our focus on all that we do have, to affirm that our glass is more than half full." Valerie Hess

Valerie nails it on the head in the above quote! She suggests keeping a written list of all of our blessings and looking at it regularly. The Apostle Paul also nails it on the head in Philippians 4:12: I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

My glass truly is half FULL and I am truly BLESSED! Here are just a few of the reasons why (in no particular order):

  • I have plenty of food to eat
  • I have a bed to sleep in which is in a house with ac/heat (depending on the season)!
  • I have a job with a stable income
  • I have wonderful family
  • I have many wonderful friends
  • I love my roommates
  • My roommates love me
  • This house is so homey and I am blessed to have found this living situation - I don't think there's anywhere else I'd rather be living right now!
  • I live 6 blocks from where I work
  • I love living in community with other Christian women
  • I am in good health
  • My nephew's open heart surgery (b/c of God of course!) saved his life last September
  • My Mom is currently cancer free
  • I have health insurance
  • I have a great Church where I am loved and am constantly learning about Boundaries and changing my unhealthy habits and old ways of thinking, and learning to take responsibility for my life
  • Most importantly: I am saved by grace through faith and God loves me unconditionally, even when I fall back into my "playing the victim mentality"

My cup is OVERFLOWING and Jesus knows what I need better than I do! =-)

"My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

What about you? Is your glass half empty or half full?


Very Sleepy Girl said...

a blessings list - what a great idea!

TMI Queen said...

I can completely relate!
I do not own my home, I only rent. I have nobody that shares their income with me and I have to go it alone, PLUS share it with a child who sucks up every last dime I have left! I can't go to college, because I've made a committment to parent my child, instead of abandoning him to daycare while I spend the next 10 years trying to bang out one class per semester, which means my income potential is at a standstill because I don't have the required skills to do anything else!

But....I have food on the table, a roof over my head and a son that loves me dearly, so it can't be all bad, eh? ;o)

Anonymous said...

hellooo...why don't you put this on the Further Up blog?