A Work In Progress

A Work In Progress

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Caring Bridge and FB Updates from my Sister Debbie Regarding Scott's Hospitalization

Sorry if this is long.....I just wanted to update you with all I know.  Please keep Scott, Debbie, and the Kids in your prayers.  Please also keep Scott's Family and our Family in Your Prayers, as this affects all of us who Love them.  Thank You!! ~Jen

Debbie Latzke Heiman - 12 hours ago
It’s midnight, and I just got back from going home to grab contact solution, glasses, stuff for Scott, etc.

The nurse comes in and says she has really bad news. I was very worried. She said that she’s checking into the policy for me to stay overnight. She doesn’t think they are going to let me, because he’s in isolation and they need to take precautions.

The nurses before I left didn’t tell me I had to wear this stuff and gloves. When I returned, I had to put it all on. The new nurse said I won’t be able to sleep like this. True... but I won’t sleep at home either! I’m still waiting for the final verdict. Just another bummer for me. She felt so bad telling me that I may have to go home.

It’s been a couple hours since they checked Scott’s temperature, but it was finally down to 100.1. That is so much better than 103.1, where it stayed from 12PM until about 8PM. I pray it stays down. He’s on a lot of stuff right now that is keeping him comfortable. He’s been sleeping almost all day. His headache finally eased up. He ate watermelon and jell-O for dinner. That was the only thing he ate all day.
Please keep the prayers coming! We REALLY want to be home for Tyler’s 12th Birthday on Friday. We were in NY in the hospital for his 10th Birthday and I don’t want that to happen again. 😥

Journal entry by Debbie Heiman — 11 hours ago

Scott began running a fever on Monday morning sometime. I didn’t take his temperature until around noon. I noticed he hadn’t gotten out of bed and was refusing any offers from me for breakfast, even an apple fritter from Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

When I got a temperature reading of  103.2, I was quite scared. Without a spleen (removed during surgery in June 2016), he has trouble fighting off infection. I called his oncologist, and they wanted him to come in and get labs drawn immediately. We went to see Dr. Charlson’s nurse practitioner after that. They admitted him right away, but a bed didn’t open up for him until 7PM.

While we waited for a bed, they took us to the day hospital to start him on IV antibiotics and fluids. He had a pounding headache and 103 fever until about 8PM. The fever went down to 100.1 and his headache almost went away completely.

They have to go through the protocol for infections and check everything. He had a chest x-ray tonight. They are doing blood cultures and checking many other things. I pray that they find what is causing the fever.

He has slept most of the day and only ate watermelon and jell-O for dinner. Sleep is what he needs right now, so I’m glad he’s resting.

We pray that we’ll be able to go home by Friday for Tyler’s 12th Birthday. Scott’s surgery was exactly 2 years ago in NY, and we were gone for Tyler’s 10th Birthday. I don’t want to repeat that again.

I was told at midnight that I may not be able to stay in the room. She read over the airborne disease rules and it said that no overnight guests are allowed. She did offer a respite room for me to go to to get a little sleep. I can be in the room with him, but I can’t take off my gown, gloves or VERY hot mask. I will go to the room to try and sleep for a couple hours. I need to recharge my batteries a bit. I need to be prepared for the rest of this week.

It looks like chemo won’t be happening this week. Hopefully we can do it next week. We just have to wait and see how things go for the rest of the week.

We’ve had quite our fair share of disappointment lately. I found a great Bible passage to help me through it.

When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other.
Ecclesiastes 7:14

God gives us time for joy and time for sorrow. Whatever HIS plan is at these times is always for our good. It sounds crazy, but IT’S TRUE! God is working good even in our hardest hours. We may not see it now, but maybe some day we will. You just never know how God’s amazing plans for our lives work, but they are always for our good!

That brings me to a passage about God’s presence. He will NEVER leave us!

 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?... No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor death, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:35, 37-39

Quick early morning update:
His fever spiked back up to 103.2 while I was sleeping in the respite room. I was gone from 2-6:30AM or so. Meds brought it down to 101 within an hour. At 6:45 or so, it was 98.8. That was the first fever free reading since getting here at 2:30PM yesterday. He’s on a lot of IV medications and fluids. We’ll see if the fever spikes once the meds wear off.
His blood pressure dropped pretty low last night. He had slightly low potassium and magnesium levels. I can’t remember what else the nurse said.
We don’t have any results from any tests yet. Blood cultures take time. I’ll keep you posted.

I don’t want to leave anyone out, so I’m not using names. I’m sure I’m forgetting something, but I just want to thank everyone for your amazing Christian love in times of crisis. I’ve had many offers for help. I’ve taken some of the offers for things that are needed. I’ll be needing more help along the way. I hate feeling helpless, but I need to be with Scott right now! He’s in and out of it and doesn’t always hear what the nurses say or even respond to them. I’m his advocate.
Thanks for sleeping over with our kids, offering to make meals, offering to drive the kids to their sports, offering to pick up Tyler’s cake for Friday, offering to pick up his present for me, offering up your prayers for miracles for our family, and so much more. When everyone comes together to help our kids, my heart is filled with joy. Those kids have gone through so much, and helping to keep their moods positive is huge! I’m torn between them needing me and Scott needing me. It’s tough! I haven’t asked, but I’m sure our kids won’t be allowed to visit him. Please say some extra prayers for our kids! I really appreciate it!

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