A Work In Progress

A Work In Progress

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

72 Hours Post Op - Debbie's Caring Bridge Update

Today went pretty well! He has had a fever around 102 for most of the day. They transfused another unit of blood this afternoon.

He slept a lot again today, but he is doing everything that they tell him will help to make his recovery go faster. 

The picture is of an incentive spirometer. He is supposed to blow all of his air out of his mouth and then suck in on the mouthpiece. His goal is to get to at least 2,000 every time. He usually does. This contraption helps to keep his lungs clear and working well. It helps to prevent pneumonia. 

He walked 5 laps total today around the rectangular shaped hallway. I pulled his pole with everything attached to it, and he walked without holding onto anything! That is a huge success for the 3rd day after surgery (with a 102 fever)! 

He amazes me daily! He cannot be stopped! He's doing everything in his power to get home to our kids. I'm doing everything in my power to be his cheerleader and help push him. 

His voice was much stronger sounding today. He smiled a lot more and was cracking jokes. We got laughing so hard on our lap around the hall at 11PM. I couldn't stop laughing, but it hurts him to laugh. Sometimes I'm not always the most helpful. 😁  

He was able to start clear liquids tonight. He had a little bit of chicken broth and some apple juice. It's a start!

I have no doubt that he will be getting stronger and stronger every day and getting rid of more and more tubes, etc. He can't wait to be free of cords. That's about all for now. Time for me to sleep!

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