A Work In Progress

A Work In Progress

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Behind on Updates About Scott - Part 2 - Here Are The 2 Most Recent Caring Bridge Posts

Journal entry by Debbie Heiman — 8/22/2016
The kids started school today. Scott got up early to have French toast, bacon and sausage made for the kids by 6:45. I thought that was so sweet of him, especially since mornings are the hardest time of day for him.

We both took the kids to school at 7:30 and picked up Joshua. Joshua is our Kindergarten teacher, Nicole Wickland's (Brian Wickland) 4 month old son. I will watch him every day while Nicole teaches. It is the perfect fit for both of our families! 

Scott has been doing amazingly well with his radiation! He only has 2 days left, finishing on Wednesday!!! He is really good at continuing to live as normally as possible, even though he doesn't feel very good. Some days are better than others. If you see him, you would never know what he has been through and is currently enduring!

We hear the saying quite often, "You look great!" He really does look good. He has managed to maintain his weight around 170 lbs. 

After his 11:30 radiation tomorrow, we meet with Dr. Firat. I plan on asking him if he has any idea what our next step in treatment will be. He is just the radiologist, so he probably won't know. His portion of Scott's treatment is almost done. We will have to schedule an appointment with his oncologist, Dr. Charlson soon. 

For now, we just continue to enjoy our time together. Volleyball starts tomorrow for Hannah, Wednesday for Lexi, and Tyler's 1st Cross country meet is this Saturday. Sports keep us busy.

Journal entry by Debbie Heiman — 9/1/2016
Scott finished his 20th/final (WAR) whole abdominal radiation on Wednesday, August 24th!!! We met with his oncologist on Monday, August 29th. He had labs done that day as well, and his counts look pretty good. Dr. Charlson and his radiologist Dr. Firat were very impressed with how well Scott did through his month of intense radiation! There wasn't much to discuss with Dr. Charlson, except for setting up our next appointment.

Scott's next visit will be to have a CT scan done on September 20th. We'll get results on September 21st. This is the day that we will have to make some big decisions. Depending on how the CT scan looks, we may have to decide whether or not to do maintenance chemo. For now, we're trying not to think too much about the future, but just enjoy the 3 weeks we have without any appointments! Scott really deserves a break from hospitals, and I'm so glad that he's getting it!

The side effects from radiation could last up to 3 weeks from the time it ends. He's been done for a week, and he's still experiencing them. He has the worst nausea when he wakes up in the morning. He gets worn out easily, but continues to push himself every day. His appetite isn't very good. He eats when he's hungry, but he still can't eat much at a time. 

I'm so proud of him for the attitude that he has been displaying around the house lately! Even though he isn't feeling good, he is positive, funny (especially with the kids), and motivated! I love seeing him goof around and laugh so hard that it hurts his stomach and he begs us to stop making him laugh! Don't get me wrong. I don't want him to be in pain, but man is it great to see such joy!

It's hard to explain it in words, but he has come so far! Please continue to pray for his spirits to remain positive and uplifted! Please pray for all of us as he continues to fight! There are different challenges that arise in our family every day, just like everyone else! 

We did a bathroom makeover on the bathroom on our main floor. We finished in 4 days. We all played a part. I love how it turned out! It's so small that it's hard to get pictures. 😀

Scott cleaned the garage yesterday and mowed the grass today. It's not easy for him to do these things like it used to be. That makes me appreciate him and all that he does for our family even more! I'm blessed to have such a hard worker in my life! God is good all of the time! 💜  

Enjoy the the long weekend everyone!

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