A Work In Progress

A Work In Progress

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happiness Is A Choice

I read a book once called "Happiness Is A Choice" by Minirth/Meier. I mostly believe that it is a choice. We do choose our thoughts. I'll admit my thoughts have been quite negative lately. We FINALLY got a day of sunshine here today, but we went for over a week without it. Today is January 15th and right now it is -13 degrees outside. It has pretty much been snowing non-stop the past 3 days. I very strongly dislike, OK I'll had admit that I hate Winter. My negative thoughts seem to come more frequently and quite often automatically in the Winter. My family will be the first to tell you that I am a different person in the summer time. I'm am not always the easiest to get along with in the Winter. I get more irritable, etc. It's been a rough month for me. I've cried a lot, been depressed, irritable, etc and I just have to remember all of the wonderful blessings I have in my life.

  • Jesus died for me and loves me unconditionally
  • I have a wonderful boyfriend who has been very patient with me & my SAD
  • I have family who love me
  • I have many friends who love me
  • I am living in a great house with 3 wonderful women
  • I have a good job with a steady income

My prayer is that God will teach me how to believe that I deserve Happiness. I believe I often try to sabotage my success at work and in my relationships. I don't want to do that anymore. My sister told me the other day that she thinks I feel I don't deserve happiness, that it is for everyone else, but not for me. Others have told me that too. I don't want to sabotage anymore. Most guys would have left by now, but Jeff is still around and he's not going anywhere. If he can get through winter with me, he can get through anything with me! :) Please pray that I will start to believe deep down in my heart that I deserve happiness and that I will continually Choose Happiness/Contentment in my life.

God Bless! :)


1 comment:

Kathy Guy said...

Hey Jen - thanks for sharing so honestly and your persistance to find a solution. I don't have any magic words or a solution - but something did stand out to me. Beeson or someone has taught that God doesn't promise us happiness, so I'm not sure the "deserve happiness" thing will get you to where you want to go.

It sounds like your measurement on the day is "Happiness". "I must be happy. happy = good. sad = bad." I wonder if adjusting to "allowing myself to feel what I feel - while knowing it isn't based on facts". (you do a great job of focusing on the good things in your life - validating that there are no facts to support the sadness).

I don't know if this is a solution, but I know when we try to fight feeling what we feel, it tends to stay longer. "Whatever we resist, persists" is the expression I've been told and use to remember this principle. Take care...Kathy